Howdy Folks. As per my previous blog post, I mentioned my next post is going to be about deploying azure Link scope using bicep. So here am I with the latest blog post on that. So let's cut to the chase, I have explained the importance of securing the log analytics workplaces using different methods. you can dig into my old post from this . In most cases, we deploy the log analytics resources during the initial provisioning stage (Landing Zone preparation). So enabling this via BICEP is more suitable or via Json using a pipeline Note - I have already discussed how to deploy bicep using Azure DevOps in of my earlier posts There is a key thing before you go ahead with the deployment. The deployment user accoun t must have Microsoft.Authorization/roleAssignments/write permissions, such as User Access Administrator or Owner reason for this is during this provisioning, a deployment user account will grant access to the link scope. so that it can talk to the monitor resources and also p...