Hey Folks Recently Microsoft has announched that, Azure now supports VM Selective backups. What is this selective backup??. This will allow the admins/customers to backup only the selected disks in a VM to Azure backup. But at the moment we can only perform the following scnearios Example We have a Linux VM which has OS Disk and 2 data disks as mention below What we can do is Backup All Data disks (Typical option) Backup only the OS disk Backup OS Disk + Disk 1 Backup OS Disk + Disk 2 What we cannot do is back up on the data disks without the OS disk. I will talk about option 2 and 3 ( 4 is same as 3). Basically I will be covering the new options. Alos on this to note, at the moment option 3 only can be set from powershell. There is no GUI option for it. Backup OS Disk + Data Disk 1 Get VM Disk Details Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName AE-DEV-LINUX Get Azure VM Datadisk details $Vm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName AE-DEV-LINUX -Name LinuxVm01 Determine Datadisk lun details $vm.StoragePro...